PPOS | SHIPPING LINES AND AGENTS - Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago


List of stakeholders at PPOS.

Shipping Lines Tel.NO Fax Website/Email
CMA CGM 868 624 2546 868 623 8419 www.cma-cgm.com
MSC 868 623 1439 868 627 7047 www.msctrinidad.com
CSAV 868 627 2725 868 627-2725 www.csav.com
Hapag-Lloyd 868 625 2201 868 625 3691 www.hapag-lloyd.com
Zim Trinidad Ltd 868 625 3835 868 623 3160 www.zim.com
Hamburg Sud 868 624 9296 868 623 5113 operations@perezyciatt.com
Marfret 868 625 2384 868 623 2162 www.marfret.com
China Shipping 868 624 9296 868 623-5113  www.chinashipping.com
King Ocean 868 625 8058 868 627 1335 www.kingocean.com

Company             Tel. No. Fax Website/Email
Abraham Shipping 868 624 1138 868 624 2732 abrahamship@tstt.net.tt
Aeromarine 868 624 4910 868 624 4463 antoniap@aeromarine.net
Alstons Shipping 868 625 2201 868 625 3691 alstonsshippingtt.com
Caribbean Shipping Agencies Ltd. 868 627 2725 868 625 6237 csaship.com
Global Maritime Services Ltd. 868 627 3508 868 627 2813 globalms@tstt.net.tt
Gordon Grant & Co. 868 625 4916 868 625 2020 ggshipl@tstt.net.tt
Fast Freight 868 628 2255      868 628 1329 freight@fastfreight-tt.com
Intercontinental Shipping Ltd 868 623 7919 868 627 9641 icsl@icsl.co.tt
Maritime Cargo Services 868 678 2837 868 623 2483 marinecargott@gmail.com
L J Williams 868 674 1600 868 674 7124 sales@ljw.co.tt
Melville Shipping Ltd. 868 625 2384 868 625 1566 Melville@melvilleshipping.com
Perez y Cia 868 624 9296 868 623 5113 operations@perezyciatt.com
Container Recovery & Billing Ltd. 868 623 4750 868 623 2168 crabtt.com
Oceanfreight Trinidad Ltd. 868 627 7082 868 627 1335 oceanfreighttt.com
Shipping Solutions and Services Ltd. 868 627 3627 868 623 4475  sssltt.com
Gulf Shipping Ltd. 868 623 4124 868 623 2483  gulfshippingltd.com
Norton Lilly 868 675 8896 868 638 8547 
Tropical Shipping 868 821 5650 868 821 5670  tropical.com

Shipping Agents Contact List


1 868 627 2725 ext. 2104


1 868 612 4378

Azee Shipping & Trading Co. Ltd


1 868 221 2120 | 221 2283 | 221 2258 ext. 7021

Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago